Term dates
Autumn term 2024
Commences | Saturday | 7th September | Sundridge & Oxted |
Tuesday | 10th September | Sundridge | |
Wednesday | 11th September | Oxted | |
Friday | 13th September | Sundridge |
Half term (no classes) |
Saturday | 26th October & 2nd November | Sundridge & Oxted |
Tuesday | 22nd & 29th October | Sundridge | |
Wednesday | 23rd & 30th October | Oxted | |
Friday | 25th October & 1st November | Sundridge |
Last day of term | Saturday | 7th December | Sundridge & Oxted |
Tuesday | 10th December | Sundridge | |
Wednesday | 11th December |
Oxted | |
Friday | 13th December | Sundridge |
Spring term 2025
Commences | Tuesday | 7th January |
Sundridge |
Wednesday | 8th January |
Oxted | |
Friday | 10th January |
Sundridge | |
Saturday | 11th January | Sundridge & Oxted |
Half term (no classes) |
Saturday | 8th & 22nd February | Oxted |
Saturday | 15th & 22nd February |
Sundridge | |
Tuesday | 18th February |
Sundridge | |
Wednesday | 19th February |
Oxted | |
Friday | 21st February | Sundridge |
Last day of term | Tuesday | 25th March |
Sundridge |
Wednesday | 26th March |
Oxted | |
Friday | 28th March |
Sundridge | |
Saturday | 29th March |
Sundridge & Oxted |