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Judith Essex School of Dancing
Classes held at Sundridge, Oxted, Hurst Green/Limpsfield
Tel: 07850 746189 | 07584 064643

Dancing Tots

youngdancerOur 'Dancing Tots' class is for our youngest dancers, both boys and girls. Children can start from 18 months and dance with their parents/carer. This enables the children to explore dance in a way that they feel safe and secure and can be assisted with movements and activities providing a wonderfully enjoyable experience for everyone.

Through circle based classes we provide an imaginative and exciting first step into the world of dance by singing songs, using various props and our 'Magic Box' along with mastering simple steps, developing into basic ballet technique as our pupils are reaching the transitional stage into our pre-school ballet classes at around age 3.

Class schedule

  • Wednesday late morning, Oxted

Judith Essex School of Dancing

Tel: 07850 746189 or 07584 064643

